Factsheet Classic Employee Survey
Employee feedbacks can help your company in its further development. All facts about classic and topic-focused employee surveys can be found here.
Are you thinking about conducting a classic employee survey? We are happy to be your reliable project partner.
The employee survey is an effective and proven method of determining the general mood in your company. Important topics ranging from overall satisfaction and workplace conditions to corporate strategy are included in order to give you deep insight into the circumstances of your company.
This enables you to uncover relevant optimisation potential for the success of your organisation and, as a result, reduce fluctuation through more satisfied and productive employees, save costs and increase customer satisfaction at the same time. We guarantee maximum data protection and anonymity at all times in every project phase.
Your advantages from a classic employee survey with Rogator
Our experts have 20 years of experience in conducting employee surveys in a wide variety of industries. We find the ideal survey format for commercial companies with predominantly office-based employees as well as for industrial companies with many production employees (paper and pencil, online, hybrid). You too can benefit from our expertise.
Full service offer
Rogator offers you a full service for conducting your survey. We take care of all processes from questionnaire development and programming to the recruitment of participants and evaluation. Our project managers can advise you in detail at all times on the individual process steps. Thanks to our standards based on many years of project experience, such as standard questionnaires or starndard communication texts, we can process your survey quickly and professionally for you.
Data protection
At Rogator, data protection is always our top priority. Therefore you get everything from one source. We can guarantee this because we are a one-stop shop. We use our in-house software and manage your data exclusively on our certified server landscape. No external providers are involved in the process to ensure the protection of your sensitive data at all times. We also ensure anonymity in the evaluation by means of appropriate processes.
The procedure of a classic employee survey with Rogator
Kick-off workshop
In a joint briefing and kick-off workshop, we coordinate all project details with you and the project group. Our experts clarify the IT infrastructure on site for an assessment of the approach and accessibility of the survey. Important steps are also the coordination with the works council as well as the setting up of suitable communication measures in the run-up to the employee survey in order to increase the acceptance and willingness to participate among the employees.
Questionnaire development
This is followed by the development of the questionnaire in close coordination with our methodology specialists. The alignment of the survey with your goals and information needs is our top priority. Another success-relevant activity in which Rogator provides you with professional support is he transparent offer of information on employee surveys in your company. Employees and managers should be informed in advance by means of flyer, poster or e-mail - and depending on the circumstances also in different languages - in good time about the implementation and the associated objectives.
The next step is to program your survey using our proven Rogator software. After your approval of the final questionnaire in the relevant language versions, the participants are invited via the agreed recruitment channels (e-mail, paper or hybrid). Rogator recommends using a paper-bound invitation for people without their own e-mail address. This saves time and money and your employees can participate in the survey conveniently at set up terminals or via the printed QR code with their smartphone.
Real-time access
Throughout the survey process you have - if desired - real-time access to response rates and key survey data (with aggregated values).
Results reports
After the field time, results reports are created, which are generated on a cumulative level for the entire company and as detailed individual reports for subgroups - e.g. for individual departments, teams, different locations, countries or companies of your company.
Follow-up processes
Finally, the important follow-up processes are implemented. Our experts advise you on possible follow-up processes and take over their coordination and implementation. We are happy to work with you as well as with the coaches who are already working for your company.
Rogator advises you individually on all questions regarding the classic employee survey
How long can the questionnaire be?
By default, our questionnaires for classic employee surveys have between 40 and 80 individual questions or items. We build up the catalog of questions according to your requirements and goals and, of course, only obtain the information relevant to you. In order not to put the motivation of the participants at risk, we develop questionnaires to be as precise as necessary and as short as possible.
How long is the survey period?
The standard survey period is approx. 3 weeks. With regard to the ideal survey period, we do not recommend an interval from the beginning of the week to to the end of the week. By choosing an extended period - e.g. from Monday to Monday or Wednesday to Wednesday - a fourth week is included. This allows you to generate a higher coverage for your employee survey and reduce the effects of vacations, business trips or illness. Under special circumstances, longer or shorter periods are also recommended. We will be happy to advise you in detail on this.
How is the anonymity of the participants guaranteed?
On the one hand, we use technical measures to ensure that the data collected is not linked to personal data - so-called pseudonymization. Survey results can therefore not be traced back to individuals. In addition, we ensure the anonymity of the interviewed persons by means of evaluation limits. For example, groups are usually only evaluated if there are five or more participants.
What should you bear in mind when communicating internally?
The following applies to all employee feedback: The employees should be informed in good time in order to ensure a smooth process flow and a high motivation. The involvement of promoters such as executives, works council and managers or the data protection officer in the communication measures are confidence-building measures which have a positive effect on the willingness to participate. For further details please contact our experts.
How do you achieve a high response rate?
Two important factors for a high response rate are sincere, transparent and appreciative communication and the guarantee of anonymity for the participants. In addition, other factors can have a positive or negative influence, such as the burden of a restructuring process or the trust in the manager or the conviction that changes will actually occur as a result of participation. Ask our experts also about measures such as reminders and last-call e-mails.
What happens after the survey?
The time required for the entire process of a classic employee survey should not be underestimated, because the actual work only starts with the results. We advise you on the follow-up processes, such as self-reflection by the report recipients, guidelines, preparation of results with superiors or in the team with the help of the report, various coaching and training for groups or individuals. The follow-up processes are extremely important in order to give the employees the feeling that the survey can also provide impulses and contribute to the company's development or bring about changes.
Common topics
In a classic employee survey with Rogator, different topics are asked about in order to give you an overview of the general mood of your company, e.g:
- Overall satisfaction / motivation / identification
- Information / communication
- Cooperation / colleagues
- Tasks / activities
- Working conditions / working climate
- Personal development / remuneration
- Direct superior / leadership behaviourImprovements for the company / customer focus
- Corporate culture
- Equal treatment and diversity / Diversity
Our experts will be happy to advise you on further relevant survey topics for your specific information needs.
Our experts will be happy to advise you on other relevant survey topics for your specific information needs.
Services at a glance
1. Kick-off workshops and consulting
2. Questionnaire development and translations, if necessary
3. Communication and participant invitation
4. Conducting surveys (paper and pencil, online, hybrid)
5. Evaluation and reporting
6. Presentation of results
7. Follow-up processes
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