Hände mit Herz Soziales Engagement

Social commitment

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    Social commitment & sustainability

    Animal welfare, climate change or poverty reduction – as a company we have a social, ecological and social responsibility.



    Assume responsibility

    We take existing problems seriously and work hard to make the world a better place regionally and globally.




    Donations – the three-pronged approach

    It is our intention to regularly make donations to various social institutions. When selecting projects, it is particularly important to us to cover various topics. We currently support three projects, one regional and two global.

    Our Donation triad


    1. Donation pillar: International children project

    Plan International – The chance for a better future


    What is the most important thing you can do for a child? Let the child be a child! Not only a beautiful childhood, but also the fulfilment of basic needs, medical care and the possibility of school education are decisive factors that give children a chance for a better future.

    Plan international

    The Plan International organisation has made it its goal to fight the vicious circle of poverty and the lack of opportunities facing children worldwide. We are fortunate enough to live in a privileged society. However, we feel that it is time to help those who do not have such happiness. We wish for a world in which children can develop. Therefore we have taken over the sponsorship for Stephen, a little boy from Kilifi, Kenya.


    Kilifi is one of Kenya’s poorest regions, where child labour, rape, forced marriage, disease and poor hygiene conditions are not uncommon. The majority of children in Kenya are forced to contribute to the support of their families, so it is not surprising that only 14% of Kenyans have a primary school leaving certificate. It is close to our hearts to take responsibility for those who are not as well off as we are. Therefore, we are glad that at least our sponsored child Stephen can now go to school with our support and receive medical care. We hope to make his childhood a little more carefree in this way and give him the chance for a better future!

    2. Donation Pillar: Regional projects

    Our region, its people and their future is important to us!


    There are also many projects and people on our doorstep, in our city and the surrounding area, who urgently need our help. We would also like to think of them and give them a place in our donation triad and thus more attention.

    Soziales Engagement -  Verbundene Kinderhand und Teddy auf Krankenhausbett
    Mother holding child's hand who fever patients in hospital to give encouragement.

    New building for the Nuremberg Children's Hospital

    We are dedicating this year’s regional solidarity to the new building of the Nuremberg Children’s Hospital, which, in addition to child-friendly facilities, will enable even closer and better cooperation between the total of nine hospitals. As a result, the Südklinikum site will provide the best possible care for newborns to expectant mothers and their families, creating a place of health and well-being.


    By handing over a donation check, Rogator AG would like to support the establishment of an interdisciplinary medical care center and thus create an environment in which children’s eyes can continue to shine even under difficult circumstances.


    Abstraktes buntes Bild Geige Nuremberg Sticker

    Corona donation for the "Alliance for Culture" project

    The year 2020 was by no means easy due to the effects of the Corona pandemic! Private and public cultural institutions were closed several times, events were cancelled and this resulted in considerable losses for the art and culture scene in Nuremberg. Therefore, we would like to support the aid project “Alliance for Culture” of the City of Nuremberg this year.


    With this emergency aid program, freelance artists and cultural workers who find themselves in a real existential emergency receive rapid support. In this way, we would like to play a part in alleviating the hardships in these industries, because together we are strong!

    Spende 2018

    Cnopf'sche Children's Hospital Nuremberg

    We visited the Cnopf’sche Children’s Hospital in Nuremberg and went along to see the “Rainbow” ward, which cares for children with cancer. There we were able to see for ourselves how lovingly and carefully the little patients are treated and how their well-being is cared for in a family-friendly atmosphere.


    In paediatric oncology, patients often stay for a very long time. For this reason, there are different demands on the hospital rooms and the recreation rooms. What is special about this ward is the “playful distraction and occupation opportunities” motto, which shapes the children’s stay. The recovery of the children is supported by age-appropriate occupation opportunities.

    In addition to medical care of the highest quality standards, the focus is on the comfort of children and adolescents. To help patients cope better with their often stressful life situations, playrooms, a roof garden and well-equipped lounges with flat screens and laptops should make their time in hospital as pleasant as possible. We have seen with our own eyes what contribution the Cnopf’sche Children’s Hospital makes towards maintaining patients’ enjoyment of life. We want to support this commitment and help the ward with a donation. It is a reassuring feeling that we can rely on good medical care for children and young people in our region.


    Every year at Christmas we also donate various games, puzzles and books for children of different ages to make their stay in hospital as pleasant as possible.

    3. Donation pillar: International environmental projects


    Self-realization – an ideal of our society. The job, our family and friends are thoughts to which we devote ourselves daily. However, there are a number of topics that are neglected, even though they are so important for our existence. We are talking about issues such as climate change, animal welfare and environmental protection. Rogator wants to “think outside the box” and support projects that work for the ecological preservation of our earth.

    Soziales Engagement - Mann hält kleiner Baum in den Händen

    Donation project WeForest in Apuí

    Your participation in the website surveys has made it possible to support the Apuí project in the Amazon by planting 430 trees in one of the most deforested regions of Brazil as part of our fundraising campaign since 2021 (as of 12/13/22). This corresponds to a reforestation area of 2,153 square meters and is intended to counteract an irreversible ecological catastrophe in one of the most biodiverse areas in the world, thus making an important contribution to climate protection and biodiversity.


    In this fundraising project, implemented by “WeForest”, there is an active involvement of local farmers who protect the Amazon with the help of sustainable and profitable agroforestry and cattle breeding, thereby restoring the degrading area and preventing further deforestation.

    Windräder Sonnenuntergang Mann mit Kind auf Schultern im grünen Kornfeld

    Energy transition and climate protection with atmosfair

    We are very enthusiastic about the atmosfair organization because its projects focus on environmental protection and at the same time help developing countries to help themselves. The organization is committed to CO2 compensation, the development and expansion of renewable energies, especially in developing countries, and the promotion of sustainable technology transfer.


    In this way, not only is the global energy transition towards renewable energies promoted worldwide, but jobs and thus new perspectives are created for people in poor countries – a must for education and equal opportunities! Projects include power supply from mustard residues in India and the solar-powered water treatment plant in Kenya.

    Schildkröte isst Plastiktüte

    "The Ocean Cleanup" project - There is still much to do

    The project “The Ocean Cleanup” is committed to freeing the ocean from trash and plastic. Another organization that we support in this context is the association “One Earth – One Ocean e.V.”, which is committed to cleaning up the world’s oceans and various rivers and lakes as part of various environmental protection projects and campaigns. For example, various garbage collection ships are used to remove plastic, oil and chemicals from the waters.


    We find the commitment of “The Ocean Cleanup” as well as “One Earth – One Ocean e.V.” remarkable and will continue to participate in initiatives like these to help create a cleaner environment.

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