Factsheet Customer survey
Measure the satisfaction of your customers with Rogator. The factsheet shows you all important Information and advantages at a glance.
Measuring customer satisfaction with Rogator
Would you like to quickly and easily gain an analytical overview of your customer relationships and the relevant key performance indicators (KPI), such as customer satisfaction and customer loyalty?
As a professional market research institute with many years of expertise, Rogator supports you in collecting all kinds of customer feedback. Our services include not only the assessment of the initial situation and advice on the feedback process, but also the technical implementation and execution of a customer survey and the preparation of the results. For this, our team of experts draws on extensive methodological knowledge, years of experience and our specially developed software.
Your advantages of a customer survey with Rogator
Sound decision making
You'll always get high-quality results that help you make strategic product, service, and scope decisions and optimise the internal and external processes involved..
Increase in corporate success
By conducting a customer survey with Rogator, you will find out which measures to improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are best for ensuring the long-term success of your company.
Positioning vis-à-vis the competition
The satisfaction and loyalty of your customers is crucial for your survival in the market. We will show you how to successfully increase customer satisfaction in order to position yourself effectively against your competitors and differentiate yourself from them.
Our support for your customer satisfaction analysis
However, we would also be happy to put together an individually tailored service package to suit your survey project. You are free to choose whether to use our proven survey software or to outsource individual service phases to our team of experts.
Three steps to the best results
At the kick-off meeting, we clarify all relevant details of the project together and determine the content and the exact procedure with you. Our experts then implement the technical aspects of the survey. After testing and your approval, the survey can start.
Field phase
The surveys run on our high-performance survey servers in our DIN ISO 27001 certified data center in Nuremberg. Throughout the entire survey period, our real-time monitoring system gives you control over the course of the study and the results at all times. We guarantee: intelligent questionnaire logic, effective way of addressing participants, attractive layout optimized for mobile use and much more.
After the field phase, we evaluate the survey data in close cooperation with you. For this purpose, we use suitable analysis methods depending on the survey objective and study design. Subsequently, we prepare all results graphically for you and summarize the most important aspects with corresponding recommendations for action in a report. We are also happy to visualise the results for you in an interactive dashboard.
Rogator advises you individually on all questions regarding the customer satisfaction
How satisfied are your customers?
Customer satisfaction expresses the difference between the expectations of the customer and the satisfaction of needs. If the expectations are fulfilled, the customer is satisfied. If they are not, he's unhappy. In order to turn satisfied customers into loyal customers, it is not enough to merely satisfy them. Expectations must be exceeded. Our experts will be happy to advise you on this.
What are your company's strengths and weaknesses?
We will find out for you what experiences your customers have with the various products or services your company offers. This gives you a sound analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your product portfolio, which are relevant for the strategic orientation of your company.
What is your corporate image?
We also frequently use the framework of a customer satisfaction survey to conduct an image analysis. This is particularly important for marketing so that you can compare whether your internal view matches the customer's image.
How is the commitment and loyalty to your customers?
Learn how the general mood of customers is towards your company and how loyal your customers are towards your company. For this purpose, we calculate indices that are used for both internal (departments, locations, etc.) and external (industry comparison) benchmarking. These key performance indicators (KPI) are particularly relevant for management and controlling.
How do customers rate you in comparison to your competitors?
We determine how satisfied your customers are with your competitors and which decisive satisfaction criteria play a role here.
How are your company's service criteria evaluated?
Based on various relevant service criteria, such as friendliness, speed, expertise and responsiveness to customer needs, we ask for detailed information that will help you understand your company's performance in these dimensions. Concrete recommendations for action can be derived on the basis of this information.
We advise you on B2C as well as on B2B matters
B2C customer surveys are often carried out with larger samples. This is where Rogator’s expertise in the reliable sending of mass e-mails in combination with a highly available and resilient server infrastructure pays off. If samples from an online access panel are required: Rogator cooperates with all well-known panel providers, advises you on the selection of the right panel and achieves a favourable price per interview for you.
There are various implementation options, contents and survey models for B2C customer surveys, which we are happy to explain to you in more detail here.
Due to our customer structure and the associated experience in almost all industries, we at Rogator have built up special expertise for customer surveys in the B2B sector over the past 20 years. This begins with consulting on communication strategy and questionnaires and ranges from the management of numerous languages for major international projects to the precise evaluation with data-based recommendations for action.
In addition, Rogator offers further options that are specifically geared to the needs of B2B companies:
- Linking of CRM data relevant for evaluation with the survey
- Transactional measurements via NPS® and CES methods
- Query of competitors in the survey (benchmarks)
- Contact options for participants for subsequent, personal feedback meetings
We are happy to explain further special features and specifics of the B2B customer survey here.
Our services at a glance
1. Project management and hosting
2. Questionnaire development
3. Questionnaire design and mobile optimisation
4. Questionnaire programming
5. Participant invitation
6. Recruitment of participants via online access panels
7. Evaluation and reporting
8. Presentation of results
9. Workshops
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