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Know-how: HbbTV surveys

Intelligent use of Smart TVs
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HbbTV – how to use it?

Almost all smart TVs have an integrated HbbTV – Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV technology standard by now. This combines the advantages of television and the Internet. The user can display program information as in classic teletext, but also additional content of any kind in the form of text, image, sound or video, for example editorially prepared information such as recipes or news.


The media libraries of the respective stations can also be accessed; in addition, shopping opportunities matching the programme or commercial are provided. The name “Red Button TV” has also become established, as the additional content can be called up via a red button on the remote control.

We take care of your HbbTV survey

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HbbTV-Befragungen Person mit Smart-TV Fernbedienung

HbbTV in market research

The smart, multimedia and interactive use of HbbTV is not only reserved for individual TV viewers. Market research can also benefit from the increasing spread of smart TVs with an Internet connection.


Thanks to HbbTV, viewers can participate in online surveys via remote control without media discontinuity – using the four arrow keys and the OK button. In addition to other Internet-enabled terminals, this opens up another channel for customer surveys.

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Why conduct a television survey?

The success of this hybrid technology is based, among other things, on the following facts and figures (valid for Germany):

  • 79 per cent of 14- to 49-year-olds use the Internet parallel to TV.1
  • Those who watch TV and surf at the same time are more interested in the TV content, watch TV for longer times and have a greater affinity to online TV. 2
  • Around 36 per cent of parallel users were already motivated by television content to buy directly on the Internet.3
  • Around 69 per cent of all television sets sold are smart TVs.4
  • 61 per cent of the owners of a smart TV set are actually connected to the Internet.5


Surveys on smart televisions provide valuable real-time insights into the behaviour of viewers. The usual operating pattern via the remote control only sets a low threshold for intuitive participation; the surveys can be shown precisely and thematically or in a direct usage context parallel to advertising trailers and programmes.


The technology can therefore be used both in the context of audience voting – for example for political or contest broadcasts – as well as for advertisers who make additional information directly selectable from an advertising spot, and for any company looking for a further channel for direct and low-threshold targeting.

G3plus demo questionnaire

You would like to know which functions are included in our survey software?

Get to know different question types as well as various multimedia options for integrating content in our interactive demo questionnaire “G3plus Showroom”. A survey software for companies that expect more.


You can view a variety of survey types and test them individually. We are continuously expanding our demo question types and present you in our demo questionnaire a selection of interactive question types and possibilities that you can realize with our survey software G3plus.

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Award-winning implementation

For the development of this new hybrid technology, Rogator AG and SevenOne Media GmbH were jointly awarded the German Market Research Prize in the “Innovation” category in 2013. The user can rely on a unique, award-winning and well-founded technology which, based on the G3plus survey software, enables almost all types of questions via HbbTV and also sets hardly any limits in the design of the survey. The survey data can be viewed via real-time statistics and comprehensively evaluated in Excel or SPSS after data export.

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HbbTV-Befragungen Fernbedienung vor Fernseher

Conduct an HbbTV survey with Rogator

You plan to conduct an HbbTV survey and still need a reliable partner?


Rogator was awarded the German Market Research Prize for hybrid technology and is a reliable partner for your HbbTV survey.

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