
Data protection

Your data is safe with us


Data obtained through market and staff research projects is particularly sensitive. Rogator AG therefore not only complies with the legal regulationsgoverning data protection, but also feels a particular sense of responsibility for the security of your data.


Legal regulations


There are various legal guidelines for market and social research, and market research companies are obliged to adhere to them.

Ever since the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force on 25 May 2018, it has governed the handling of personal data. Rogator AG has prepared for the long term, such as by updating its contractual framework (new agreements on commissioned data processing), observing transparency obligations, documenting its processes, training its staff, and introducing aspects of privacy by design and privacy by default. We thus fulfil all the necessary aspects of the GDPR and work in accordance with it.

Rogator AG is registered with the supervisory authorities as a market research service provider. We have appointed Dr Axel Theobald as our experienced internal Data Protection Officer; he has a sound command of all types of projects and is familiar with all issues related to data protection and security.


Additional requirements imposed by professional associations


Data protection is a top priority at Rogator. The provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act are reinforced by the professional rules and guidelines of market research associations (BVM, ADM, DGOF, ESOMAR). As a corporate member of the Professional Association of German Market and Social Researchers (BVM) and the German Society for Online Research (DGOF), we are obliged to comply with the standards established by these institutions. Our membership ensures that we are always informed about all the latest relevant and applicable standards and guidelines.



Market and Social Research Initiative


As a member of various professional associations, Rogator AG supports the Market and Social Research Initiative (Initiative Markt- und Sozialforschung e.V.). This scheme represents the interests of scientific market and social research before the public.


Server security and data hosting


Our survey servers are located in one of Europe’s most modern data centres in Nuremberg, which means they are also on German territory. These survey servers are the property of Rogator AG, and they are maintained and administered by us. This means you always know exactly where your data can be found.We never take a cloud approach. We have been using low-maintenance, high-performance Linux systems for a long time, and they have enabled uninterrupted operations for many years. Needless to say, we also have an up-to-date security architecture that ensures regular updates and sophisticated back-up routines for the preservation of your data. Logical and sometimes physical client isolation ensures that your data is only accessible to you. Further information is contained in our Data Security and Protection Plan, which you may request if you are interested.


We value the security of your data. And the environment and climate protection are just as important at Rogator AG. Our server and web server hosting is powered by renewable energy to make sure “Rogator Goes Green”.


Additional internal regulations for even greater data protection



To ensure data protection before, during and after the execution of your projects, we have reinforced our technical measures through the introduction and establishment of various internal policies. A summary of these can be found in our data protection document, which interested customers may request at any time. Our employees are regularly informed about data protection issues and consider these topics in their daily work.


One particular aspect of these internal guidelines is the establishment of technical and process-related guidelines, such as on the use of passwords and the restriction of access rights (need-to-know principle). However, another important aspect of our data protection guidelines are the standards we establish to ensure anonymity in survey projects (e.g. no disclosure of personal data to third parties and no transfer of personal data during analysis).

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